Introducing Jordan!
What do you do at Rewined?
Account Manager on the Sales Team
What is something most people don't know about you?
I didn't know how to pump gas until I was 19.
Most likely to...
Take in a stray.
How do you spend your time when you're not at work?
I like to go to the gym, read good books and spend time with friends.
What is your favorite thing to do in Charleston?
I love to go for walks in the historic district and try new restaurants.
Where is your favorite place to eat in Charleston?
It's so hard to decide! I'd have to say my current go-to is Poke Tea House.
If you were a candle fragrance what would you be?
Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen because it reminds me of my childhood summers at the beach.
When is your favorite time to burn a candle?
I burn candles at the end of the day to relax and unwind.
What is your favorite Rewined at the moment?
Mimosa! It's a refreshing scent that reminds me of one of my favorite meals-- Sunday brunch.
Yes, I agree. I stumbled upon this because I have been scouring the internet for the Mimosa fragrance. It’s my favorite and I can’t seem to find it. Please tell me it hasn’t been discontinued forever?! I’d buy a case of I could. Please bring it back.
Jordan, please use your influence to keep Mimosa candle available! noticed it is not for sale now on the website! Hope this is a temporary ‘out of stock’…….but I am getting sad thinking it is gone forever!
It is my fav too, when not burning UNDER TH TREE during the holidays!
Warmest regards,