Introducing Lillie!
What do you do at Rewined?
Account Manager on the Sales Team
What is something most people don't know about you?
I like to knit.
Most likely to...
Have a parking ticket
How do you spend your time when you're not at work?
When I'm not in the office, I am likely doing something dog-friendly - Cooper and Grady are my four-legged babies. I love to garden and work on handy projects around my house. I frequent a glass of wine with friends on one of our couches, and if it's a good week, I am exercising regularly.
What is your favorite thing to do in Charleston?
My fiance and I love to take the dogs out to Rockville. Sometimes we put the boat in and sometimes we just ride with the windows down. We met out there so its a pretty special place to venture.
Where is your favorite place to eat in Charleston?
Little Jack's!
If you were a candle fragrance what would you be?
I have a new love affair with Candlefish no. 68 (don't tell no. 54), which makes sense because it has notes of patchouli...I love patchouli.
When is your favorite time to burn a candle?
I have a candle lit anytime I am home.
What is your favorite Rewined at the moment?
Wine Under the Tree - it was actually my first Rewined I ever purchased. I would burn it year-round if I could.